Jola Jovani Jola Jovani

Self-awareness and how it impacts relationships

Cultivating self-awareness is a lifelong journey that can drastically impact how you show up in your relationships with others. It requires asking the right questions and becoming an observer of yourself. A non-reactive and non-judgemental observer of your own experience.

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Jola Jovani Jola Jovani

How to take accountability in a relationship

Taking accountability can feel incredibly challenging for many people. Learn how to take accountability, when it is appropriate to take accountability and why it can feel so difficult.

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Jola Jovani Jola Jovani

What is validation?

Validation is all about letting someone know that their experience and emotions are valid even if you may not completely agree with them. It is about separating yourself from what someone is saying to you so that you can better understand them. Learn more how to better validate someone in this blog post.

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Jola Jovani Jola Jovani

Why does a breakup hurt so much?

Breakups can activate the same brain regions as physical pain and because they are so painful our minds become very good at replaying memories; further intensifying the pain. Studies found activity of brain cells which create dopamine, a stimulant, and distribute it to various parts of the brain when someone is in love. This plays a role in the feelings of withdrawal from a breakup.

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